Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back on the Blog!

Here I go!
I'm right here!

So, hopefully none of you have tried to post comments to any of those old posts in the last month or two, I haven't had access to that account and had to change the info so please don't take it personal if your comment didn't show up. But it's all taken care of.

Lots of changes going on. To sum it up, (because sunshine is napping and I'm trying to do this, read and watch Brown Suga before she wakes) I'm obsessed with Feng Shui now, it has changed my life!

I recently found all of my old journals from the age of 15 to 26...GOLDMINE! As well as every letter that anyone I've ever known has ever written me. It's a bit strange but so therapeutic. Almost like time travel and collecting the pieces of yourself that somewhere along the way you've left behind. I really think I needed that. Hell, I know I needed it. I will say it is inspiring me to get back being more dilligent about journaling on paper.

I'm changing jobs, I think some things are really about the kick into gear. The attorney gig was aw-ight for a while but he was a bit obsessive...I know, it got crazy! We clashed all the time in terms of work around the legal work (he didn't want to SHOW me how to do anything and confessed to not wanting to TRAIN anyone --can you imagine? That's the dumbest shit ever!) but I think it was for the best. We got along great in terms of the PR work but I also didn't need his help for that, I could be more self directed.

The Sunshine is growing like mad! Her vocabulary is very impressive! She's still working on annunciation but Momma Knows what she's saying.

Things are just good....great I guess. I will touch base soon in more detail. But for now I must get back to my journal, I'm currently in 1996. Whoa! Until then friends, go get this book so that I don't have to get on my soap box and start testifyin' about it. My friends are getting so sick of it and are beginning to think I'm reaping commissions from book sales.

Since my comments are routed correctly are you?