Thursday, December 28, 2006

God Merciful!

We are about to be trapped in another blizzard. You know what I say to that? (With my best Home Alone impression) "Aaaahhhhhh!" That's it, I'm going nuts! I tried to prepare a bit better this time. I already had food so I made sure I hit the video store for half price movie day yesterday. This is so crazy. God be merciful!!!!! Even the grocery stores are naked.

So how was your holiday? Good? Mine was okay. I don't get too crazy with the Christmas thing was good. My Dad came into town for a few days on his way to see my uncles in AZ. He had quite a time with Patient Sunshine. Oh! And do you know that yesterday she said "Uh-oh"? Not to me, to my mom. I walked in on the moment and it defied description. I was so amazed. For the last few days she's been relentless about mastering the art of walking. I'm convinced she will do in just a few weeks. I can't believe it!

There's some gross bug going around. I was laid up at my moms yesterday because early Wednesday morning, I woke up with a sudden urge to hug the toilet. Needless to say by noon I'd made nice with the toilet at least five times. Eeeew. I hate throwing up more than anything. I didn't even throw up the whole time I was pregnant! I felt awful. Luckily this morning I was back in tact. I wasn't expecting that at all. I'm always pretty confident about my immune system but...didn't matter this time I guess.

...Job is good.

...Anxious for other sisters visit (w/Bro in Law and Nephew) on the 3rd.

...Tired of being trapped inside due to weather.

...Feel really good about life and financial changes lately.

...Also must confess to feeling a bit lonely (in terms of the opp. sex).

...Pleased with decisions I've made lately.

...Happy to be a mom.


Blogger Teri said...

Those stomach bugs seem to bulldoze even the strongest immune systems. I would rather have a root canal than gastroenteritis. I get so freaked out if I think I'm getting it....or if Steve has it I'm like "Sorry, but get the hell away from me!"

Little PS will start telling you all kinds of things now. Tessa purposely throws her milk overboard just so she can use the "uh-oh' line.

Happy New Year!

11:20 PM  
Blogger SunshineMama said...

Who are you tellin! I must admit after my "episode" I was kind of like, Me? I got sick?...Moi? I can fight it! ...needless to say I was down for the count the entire day.

12:04 AM  

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