Friday, August 18, 2006

Stupid McNupid

I am a complete- and - total - dumbass. Truly. I don't even wanna tell ya'll why. But hell, I'll open myself up for whatever, why not?!

Today, while my child was asleep on my bed, then woke up and was doing her wake-up cooing...she fell off. I AM A TOTAL JACKASS. Especially because I was finishing up something and something said, "you better go in there and check on her" and I put it off for just a few more seconds...almost done..."hold on babeeee!"


Oh shit! I knew it, dropped everything and ran in the room and sure enough, the baby was on the floor. It took quite some time to calm her down. Of course I had to check her out make sure nothing was broken, cut, scratched...whatever. The whole time she was crying (because I swear that she can already talk, it's just her own language) I felt like she was saying, "Why did you do that????? That hurt meeeeee! If you would have just gotten your ass in here faster and greeted me like you always do when you hear me coo! That wouldn't have happened. Ow ow ow --fix it!!!!!"

I know, I'm unfit. Needless to say I held her so tight after that and tried to calm her down to the point where I risked suffocating her. (Sigh) ...thank god for boobs. That made her feel better after a while to the point where she fell asleep probably from the shock and trauma. Don't worry, I didn't put her back in my bed this time and she appears to be safe and sound.

After we both calmed down, it was too much for me so you know I had to blame somebody. Hey, the dog looks like a good candidate:
"Damnit N.J. why didn't you watch baby! You're supposed to be watching the baby, not in there snoozin'. I swear, you are useless. ....dang".

Please don't call social services, I promise I'll do better...really.

Seriously, though, I think that was my red flag to slow down, breathe and center myself. I don't need a louder warning.



Blogger drunksaint said...


get yourself a ..i ........... i dont know wat they call it.... my wife use it....... its a two piece electric item. ..u keep one piece with the kid n other wherever you are... kitchen may be. it transmits even meagre voices just in case thebaby is up and rolling .. if you are already using it.......... better change the batteries.


1:58 PM  
Blogger SunshineMama said...

...I know exactly what your talking about, ...I know...thanks though.

10:30 PM  
Blogger So...Wise...Sista said...

Happens to the best of mommies. Don't beat yourself up. But you're right, it's probably a sure sign that you need to stop and breathe. :) My nephew (who is almost 2) burned his little tongue one time on some hot azz oatmeal at a restaurant, and he jumped so high it still gives me chills. Poor baby. Even tho me and his mom told his lil azz to wait, it still hurts when they hurt. But they somehow get over guess we have to, too.

3:27 PM  
Blogger SunshineMama said...

I'll try not to beat myself up but damn! ...I still think I was worse than the oatmeal story. It's okay, I'm proud to report we've had no mishaps or negligence like that in the last few sir. I'm on top of things, and breathing.

6:51 AM  

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